Clarksburg Premium Outlets, Clarksburgh, MD / 2,744 Tons


Mobile devices with app built in the cloud are re-defining the computing world. Cloud platform equips developers with compressive solutions without having to manage the infrastructure and help them focus on ease of use and speed. Cloud helps you create agility in all your platforms and help developers focus on an excellent client side user experience and fast turnover.

What we Do?

When we try to design a mobile application, we keep these two keywords in mind i.e. accessibility and functionality. Mobile applications should be able to amend to the limitations of mobile devices but designers are aware of making texts too small to read, or generate layouts that are just too compact.

Our Specialities

We are specialize in the following areas:

  • Cloud Based Enterprise Mobility Solutions
  • Integrated Mobility Application Solutions
  • Mobile Applications For surveys and data collection

What are Benifits?

Shifting your application to a mobile application helps you to earn better profit and business. We have a promotion wing that makes a hike in access of your mobile application. Joining hands with us in doing your business always paves a new way of success for you.


The mobile application development team at Shiven is capable of building the mobile applications within days that supports new network facilities that cope u with the changing trends in operating system and platforms. The team is well equipped and facilitated with latest technological tools and gadgets.

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